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Hands installing door alarm sensor
January 22, 2024

What Are The Types Of Window And Door Alarms In Denver And What Should I Use?

Door and window sensors are the backbone of a security system. They defend your most frequently targeted access points and deter invasion attempts by setting off your alarm. But what types are there, and what might you utilize? Learn more about window and door alarms in Denver and decide what’s ideal for your home.

Choices For Door And Window Alarm Sensors In Denver

You can find different door and window alarm sensors in Denver to accommodate your home’s exact needs and your inclinations. There are three primary kinds to select from - contact, glass break, and motion sensors.

Contact Sensors Provide Reliable Protection

Versatile and straightforward to install, magnetic contact sensors are the most widely used window and door alarms in Denver. They utilize a two-part system with a magnet on one side and a sensor body on the opposite side. The magnet generally attaches to the window or door frame, and the sensor connects to the door or window sash. When the door or window opens, your alarm is set off due to the break in the magnetic field.

Glass Break Sensors Perceive Vibration, Sound, Or Both

Glass break alarms are available as shock sensors, acoustic sensors, or a combination of both. Shock sensors distinguish the vibration caused by breaking glass and are attached straight on the window or the surrounding frame. Acoustic sensors detect sound and can attach to walls. A lone acoustic sensor may be suitable for many windows contingent on the size of its detection range]112]. They are smart for locations like basements that are further away from sleeping areas and more susceptible to broken glass entry. You can locate two-fold sensors that trip only when both vibration and sound are observed.

Motion Sensors Offer An Additional Alternative

When shielding your access points, you have another option with motion detectors. You can arrange motion detectors so your windows and doors are within their scope.

Further Choices for Window And Door Alarm Sensors In Denver

There are additional possibilities with door and window alarm sensors in Denver. Firstly, you’ll need to figure out whether to select wired or wireless components. Most current home security systems use wireless as a result of the adaptability and effortlessness of installation.

Fortunately, wireless security and connectivity have dramatically improved over the years, making these sensors a great possibility. But, there might be times when wired devices are encouraged, such as relocating to a house already wired for security.

Choose From Different Kinds of Contact Sensors

Most people choose contact sensors that affix directly to doors, windows, and surrounding framework. They mesh easily with your interior and take up little space. Slim versions are even more inconspicuous and work with different kinds of entrances, like sliding patio doors. Even so, if you prefer not to have a clearly evident sensor for decorative purposes or due to a custom door or window style, you can get recessed ones. These secure neatly inside your entrance and frame and are practically undetectable, but a drill is needed to place the sensor.

Get The Perfect Window And Door Alarms In Denver From Secure24 Alarm Systems

Customize your home security with your preference of window and door alarms in Denver from Secure24 Alarm Systems. Our innovative devices supply advanced features like automatic updates through your smartphone app. You may even devise actions like having your surveillance cameras engage when a sensor is tripped. Design your system today by dialing (720) 465-2917 or filling out the form below.